souris microsoft intellimouse
Souris Microsoft 2 boutons 1 molette
IntelliMouse A.2A PS/2 Compatible
5V 15 mA
ABS pour la coque.
circuit et composants
inscription sur le circuit imprimé : MICROSOFT X01-02548-01
SW1, SW2, SW3 : microswitch, pas de marquage visible à l'oeil nu!
D1, D2, D3 : led infrarouge, 2 broches
Q1, Q2, Q3 : phototransistors 3 broches
R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16: tout un tas de résistances probablement 1/8 W
C1 : C électrochimique, 16V, 10µF (marque Wincap)
C2, C6 : C céramique, marquage 104M
C3, C5 : C céramique, marquage 103M
U1 : SPMC01B-19B : microcontrôleur
SPMC01A microcontroller
SPCP05A ps2 3d mouse controller
This is quite a bit different than the v1.1A mouse. It uses a different processor and also modulates the LED signal (pulsed -- see above). This was suspected after looking at the LED driver circuit -- it connects to a pin on the controller IC. Scoping that line confirmed those suspicions. Fortunately, it appears that the modulation isn't required by the receiver. By tying the IR LEDs always on, this works just dandy. In this model, the scroll wheel also uses an optical encoder, so there are potentially 3 inputs to steal here. This model uses a processor/controller SPMC01B-198 which I know virtually nothing of. » (d'après
Microcontrôleur :